Enemies around cont.d

 It was another bright morning in Rain forest school and lectures had started in Anne's class. She had practically forgotten about the yesterday's incidence. The first subject teacher, Mrs Bridget took no nonsense when matters such as 'no textbook' particularly in her subject. She didn't even want to hear the available excuse. "Can y'all open your textbooks to page 14". She was really not in the mood for naughty excuses. After she was through with writing the topic on the white board,she turned to the class with eyes as sharp as a hawk. Her eyes were swift enough to catch an offender." Hey,Sue where is ya textbook? " she fired hardly. Sue rubbed the back of her neck searching for a tangible reason. "Actually ma'am, my dad said ...". Mrs Bridget cut her short." I don't care and I don't give a hoot on whatever your dad said. Now tell him when you get home, that I said until you get a textbook,I don't wanna see you in my class,okay? Now go report yourself  to mama. I said go,go! Get out of my class."she bellowed,gesticulating with her hands pointed towards the door. Sue was helpless. Her eyes watered." Please ma,I'll try to pay and get one before the day's end. Please ma,just let me stay for today's class". A voice rang from the back seat. " Please ma, let her stay. I'll get her one". It was Anne. "Here ,come and take." She said with a textbook in her hand"." No, I don't need it. Keep it. I can afford it all by my self. I don't need your help". The teacher was surprised. Here was help and she refused it. She just stood at the front of the class looking at the both of them. "I'm just helping you. You can have it." Sue was Frustrated with Anne." I said I don't want. If you wanna help,then help me put that book in your bag." She hissed loudly and scurried out of the class. The class laughed loudly, it was Mrs Bridget who shut the class to continue with her lesson. Long after that incident, she still had dazed face." Wow!" She was quiet throughout the whole classes with Sue firing her some hard shots.

                  *     *    *    *     
 After that incidence, it still didn't sink into Anne that her mates despised her as much as they will despise a leper. She concluded within her that Sue was just transferring aggression due to her humdrums so she put it behind her. "Nothing's gonna bother me in high school". She concluded as she removed her books from her locker. Her classmates on the other hand did not like her because her parents were extremely wealthy and rich but their own parents were average. They thought she was just a pompous show off and Sue's incident had though wrongly, had confirmed it. Also she was a brain and the teachers didn't even help her situation by using her as a point of reference to other students. One day during their lunch break, Anne sat alone glumly and looked around. Other students had inconvenienced themselves just to maintain distances with her. She wished she had a friend, at least just one but the reality stared hard at her on the face. She had none. But while she was thinking,another set of bullies, Mytchelle and her gang came to sit as there was no more sit." Get up. I and my girls need to sit. Moreover, rich children like you don't sit with commoners or you forgot to bring your royal chair?" She said sacarstically specially stressing the 'royal'." No,I don't have any silly royal chair but we can share the seat. " Anne replied. That last sentence annoyed Mytchelle because she expected that she would keep quite. She pushed her down the chair. The ice cream she was licking fell on her face. All present students laughed loudly and she felt embarrassed. She ran away to the toilet to wash it off. She couldn't continue with her food so she went to her classroom sobbing hard ,bitter tears until lunch was over.
 To be continued ...


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