Enemies around (part 2)

The humiliation was continually aggravating each blessed day as long as she was retained in the school. It didn't take long before she realized that she was not welcomed in the class and the good comments from the teachers being a genius didn't help her situation. She refused to consider telling her dad as he was battling with high blood pressure and that would just worsen his situation so she continued to suffer in silence. The pain continued for a while,it temporarily paused during the winter break because everyone had gone home of course. Greyanne  had to fake a smile to her parents when they came to pick her up. She took an A in her subjects making her the first in her class and most reserved student in the class. "Nobody wants to accept me no matter how I try. If I  had known, thought have retained myself in Rosslyn if I knew that this would be my fate." After taking taking her shower,she sat down to eat a sumptuous meal of poutine. She was deep in thought and unknowingly to her,instead of eating,she sat fiddling with her meal,deep in thought. She sighed deeply and said aloud subconsciously"I'll have to do something about this" she bowed her head and was sobbing quietly unaware of her parent's eyes staring intently at her. A gentle tap on her back shook her out of her reverie. "Anne dear, what's on your mind?" It was her mum that asked her using the serviette on the table to wipe her mouth. Anne couldn't say a word. She just sat down sniffing, breathing quickly and heavily, and looking lost like a wandering ghost. Her mum used her left hand to cup her chin and the other to  wipe her tears." Talk to me. I'm your mum and you can share anything going on with you,with me ..." Her mum was still talking when Anne burst into tears and she ran into her room. Her dad  tried to call her back to order but Anne just ran into her bedroom and locked the door.

             *       *       *       *

To be continued ...


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