Enemies around (part 4 cont.d)

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"Hello mom" Anne had had enough of her mates. She felt like she was unwanted around the school and the more irritated merely seeing the school. She couldn't help but being angry at herself for not retaining herself in Rosslyn's. The voice she began with was so down-casted,that her mom became alarmed," Dear, what is wrong with you? Are you alright? How well are you getting along in your school?" Those words were kinda like a blow on her face because defenately  her answers were a big NO. She wanted to say nothing but she  couldn't keep to herself. At least she had to tell her mom " Mom, school wasn't great. On the actual sense,I've not enjoyed my stay in this school. Not one bit! I'm tired of this school, I mean,tired of all bullies especially Sue and Mytchelle and Barbara and Eve and ... I'm tired!" She screamed over the phone. Her mom was indifferent "Anne,it was your choice, I and your dad advised you to remain in Rosslyn but you refused bluntly saying you wanted to have a change of environment " Okay,how 'bout I call the corps?"her mom said. "No mum,I'll handle this my way. I just decided to be a good daughter by telling you what is going on. Mom,please I'll call you later. Love you mom". Her mom hung up the phone and Mrs Claudia, the hostel matron called Anne for dinner.
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"Okay class,today we're gonna be talking about linear equations." It was a new day and classes had started earnestly. Her maths teacher,Mr Sandy Rex, her maths teacher his class." Before I start,we talked about simple equations in one variable last week,so who can solve this ..." He wrote out the equation on the white board. "Group yourselves and solve the equation ... Um,divide yourselves into two boys and girls ..." The boys found it easy to themselves as they were close by. The girls too found it easy to group themselves. Anne picked up her books and pen and went straight to where the girls were gathered. She was just about to draw her seat and sit down when her classmate,Carthy asked her to go away. "But I'm a girl like you are, also he is a teamwork." Anne said calmly. "No,go away, you ought not to be where commoners are, and besides that, we don't wanna contact any disease or infection from you." Mr Sandy heard this and asked,slightly fixing his gaze away from the magazine he was reading . "What disease is that?" Mr Rex was purely confused. The girls chorused immediately "Riches syndrome". Anne was surprised. The boys halted what they were doing and laughed. Anne looked around and her eyes caught Rudy who had been staring at her and she looked away. " And,who put that into your naughty heads?" He gestured by pointing to their heads mockingly. "Well it is well written all over her" Sue said. Tears had already gathered in Anne's eyes. I'm just like you. I don't have any crazy 'riches syndrome'." She included the air quote. The teacher just told them they should go back to their seats and solve the equation. Anne ran outside but Rudy took excuse to go out and he followed her out. Sue smiled secretly and gave a high-five  to Mytchelle.
 To be continued ...


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