Enemies around (part 5)

Rudy followed Anne to the school garden where he met her crying. 'Thank goodness she's not running away from school' he said under his breath. He turned to go, then he felt he should help the 'maiden in distress'. Turning back to where Anne was, he sat down on one of patios, a little closer to where Anne was. 'Sorry 'bout what happened today and what you've been going through in school since you came. Those girls may insult you but you gotta be strong and brave okay?' He got no response from Anne who was just nodding her head. Feeling he had not said enough, he continued, 'you see, when I newly came into this school, these girls bullied me and there was even one of them, Suzy. She's more cruel than Sue, Cathy and Mytchelle but look at me, I survived'. Anne looked at Rudy and asked him 'what did you do?' Rudy smiled at her and said 'perseverance and patience. Um ... I have to go back to classes and I think you should do same. Cheerio!!!' He said, looking at his cobalt blue watch and left as Anne watched him go. She inhaled sharply and thought about what Rudy had said. 
               *             *            *              *     
It was already half of term and Anne was already fed up with her classmate. She thought of every day and compared what the masseuse at the spa,Her parents and Rudy said. The masseuse said should ignore but this was way beyond ignoring. Her parents, her parents couldn't do anything than to call the corps and cause chaos in the school, complicating the already complex matter. Rudy, patience. 'Haven't I been patient and persevering all these while?' she asked herself all the while. One day, she was in music class with all other students when the principal, Mr. Zoue presented to them a new student to the class, Cassandra Browns. 'Cassandra is peaceful, easy going and so fun to be with' the principal said.   Anne stared at the girl in question. Anne went to where Cassandra was as the principal left the class room. 'Hello Cassandra, I'm Greyanne um ... where are you from and which school are you coming from?'


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