Enemies around (part 6 cont.d)

 Anne stood up and went out to the restroom. The moment she was just about to turn the door knob,she heard Sue's voice coming from behind the door. She drew closer to hear what exactly they were saying. "Cassandra isn't anybody we can ride on just like that"she added with a snap of her finger. "She isn't like Anne. Girls we need to strategize and come up with a new plan. So,if any of you have an idea,speak up now... anyone?" Eve volunteered her opinion "Cassy's weakness is unknown,even if we plan,she may smartly avoid it. So I think we should linger a bit and discover her weaknesses then we can know what sort of plan to bring up." Sue pondered a while over what Eve had contributed. "That is a wonderful idea. Eve,you are in charge of that. Find out her weakness and report to me." Eve smiled in pride because she loved moments like such - being in charge of an investigation. The other girls pouted their lips indicating that they didn't support the idea but Sue pretended she didn't see the look on their faces. Anne sped out of the restroom just the moment they dismissed themselves. They had no idea that Anne had been eavesdropping their conversation. Cassy stayed behind after their break was over worried about the whereabouts of her friend. Anne ran out of the cafeteria and Cassy having no idea on what was going on,followed in suit. Anne arrived at the music classroom before she could breath a word.

              *            *          *            * 

They arrived at the music class just in time for their practicals. "Anne,why did you run out of the hall?" "I'll tell you later." The music tutor told them that they were going to do practicals to decide who will take 'The Lead with Becky', one of the best singers in Rain Forest High school. "I will  be coming with a Judge who is going to judge all what you're going to be doing" Mr Elder Berry, their music tutor told them. Anne and Cassandra went ahead to compose their own music as both were good singers. When they entered the class, they decided to practice the song the song. Sue, Eve and Mytchelle entered the class just in time that they started practicing. Eve then came over to where they were and started mocking their voices. "Shame to your voices" she said and gave out an ugly laugh. "Your voice sounds like Collie, my dog, when he was about to die in the vet ... Oh, my dear doggie, I miss you. Now you girls need a  good voice trainer if you want to be part of The Lead with Becky. What am I saying, I and my friends are going to take the 'Lead' with Becky so you girls can just shush away". Anne and Cassandra just looked at themselves and shook their heads and moved away to a different place for their practice. 

                                                        ... To be continued.


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